Reminder: the deadline to register to vote is October 5th

Reminder: the deadline to register to vote is October 5th

If you haven’t registered to vote yet, be sure to do so and keep in mind that Monday, October 5, is the deadline.  You are eligible to register to vote if:  You are a United States citizen;You are a resident of the county where you submit the application;You...

Abbott limits mail-in ballot collection

In a stunning last-minute election change, Gov. Greg Abbott announced Thursday that election officials will only be able to collect mail-in ballots at a single location. The move will force major counties to shut down multiple mail ballot drop-off locations under the...

Straight ticket voting reinstated in Texas

Just as Texans were about to experience their first election without straight-ticket voting, or the ability to vote for a single party rather than cast individual votes, a federal district court in Texas has blocked the law doing away with it. U.S. District Judge...

Texans can register to vote online for the first time

Texans can register to vote online for the first time

For the first time ever, Texans can register to vote online, albeit in a limited form. The state now allows people to add their names to the voter rolls while updating their driver’s license online. While online voter registration is not yet universal in Texas, it is...