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NextGen’s Big Adventure

NextGen’s Big Adventure

A packed room at the University of Houston caught a glimpse of the next big thing happening in Texas on Saturday, and the ceremonies felt decidedly different from those that have come before it. That’s because the organization hosting the day’s proceedings is no...

Working Families Party endorses Jessica Cisneros

Working Families Party endorses Jessica Cisneros

The left-leaning political organization Working Families Party announced Thursday it would be once again endorsing Jessica Cisneros for Congress. Working Families Party endorsed Cisneros in 2020 when she came within four percentage points of unseating conservative...

Texans won’t forget Abbott’s extremism next fall

Texans won’t forget Abbott’s extremism next fall

The town square in Athens, Texas, is similar to countless others like it across the state. At its center towers the Henderson County Courthouse, a historic three-story red brick Classical Revival-style building with large white columns at its entrance. The surrounding...