Federal regulators urge tougher rules for Texas power grid

Federal regulators urge tougher rules for Texas power grid

Federal officials released more than two dozen recommendations on Wednesday aimed at preventing the Texas electrical grid from failing again as it did in February. The blackouts, which were the result of freezing temperatures wrought by Winter Storm Uri, left millions...

Texans deserve better than the ERCOT reform they got

Texans deserve better than the ERCOT reform they got

After Winter Storm Uri and the subsequent blackout killed as many as 700 Texans, one would expect that preventing another such tragedy would be a top priority for the state legislature. Yet the 87th legislative session was largely defined by right-wing red meat issues...

Can Texas harness energy from the ocean?

As the world looks for new ways of generating power to combat climate change, one energy source more people are looking toward is the ocean. The ocean is home to terawatts of clean, renewable energy, yet so far it is largely untapped. Texas could play a major role in...

Texas could lead a geothermal energy boom

When people think of renewable energy they usually think of wind and solar power. In spite of its association with fossil fuels, Texas is already a leader in wind with more installed capacity than any other state by far. Yet there are several other forms of renewable...

Texas Senators Advance ERCOT bill

The Electronic Reliability Council or ERCOT is back in the news cycle this week after the company asked millions of Texans to try to conserve their energy because of the low supply and high demand on the power grid.  In a tweet on April 1, ERCOT urged consumers...

Texas Republicans push anti-renewable energy bills

Texas Republicans have made renewables their latest legislative target. A number of bills are being considered in the Texas legislature that would impose additional costs on renewable energy. This comes right after wind power just generated more electricity in Texas...