Next week: debates, immigration, SCOTUS

by | Jun 21, 2019 | Media

Here’s a rundown of some things The Texas Signal is working on for next week.

Presidential debates. 20 Democratic presidential candidates will be debating Wednesday and Thursday night next week. Following the debates, the Signal will convene live video analysis with guests from around the state. Our hope is the debate moderators in Miami will focus on the economy, health care, and education – not Trump.

Counter offensive. At the same time, however, we’ll be monitoring how Trump meddles in the Democrats’ debate. It’s all about the news cycle for him. We’ll be watching:

  • His possible real-time tweeting during the debates
  • His roundup up of a ‘million’ undocumented immigrants across the U.S.
  • VP Mike Pence rolls out of “Latinos for Trump” in a speech in Miami to tout Hispanic support (seriously)

SCOTUS: The U.S. Supreme Court is expected to deliver major rulings, including on the Census, which would impact Texas.

More immigration. We’re likely to take a look at how Gov. Abbott’s deployment of 1,000 National Guard troops to the border is sinking in across the state.

Women in politics. We’re planning a second article on women in Texas politics, this time looking at current congressional candidates.

Thought leaders. We’re planning to begin a video series featuring progressive leaders across the state. ICYMI our first interview, we spoke to Royce Brooks of Annie’s List about barriers to women in politics, including sexism in the media.

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