As we know, President Trump doesn’t know Texas. Maybe that’s why he’s struggling politically here.
On Tuesday, Trump tweeted, “People are fleeing New York like never before. If they own a business, they are twice as likely to flee. And if they are a victim of harassment by the A.G. of the state, like what they are doing to our great NRA, which I think will move quickly to Texas, where they are loved.”
One of the best polling outfits in Texas only registers 25% of Texans have a “very favorable” view of the National Rifle Association. A third have a “very unfavorable” impression.
On policy, both Republicans and Democrats in Texas support “red flag” laws, which allow courts to require someone deemed a risk to themselves or others to give up their gun, according to the latest University of Texas/Texas Tribune poll. The NRA opposes “red flag” laws.