Texas GOP Approves 2022 Far-Right Platform

by | Jun 20, 2022 | News, Republican Party

The Texas Republican Party finished its 2022 platform priorities over the weekend at the Republican National Convention and gave a glimpse into some of the most powerful minds in power. 

The 53-page document covers a range of topics familiar with the national GOP platform, but shows the state party’s new strategy to gain political power. 

In 2022, the Texas GOP still says President Joe Biden didn’t legitimately win the 2020 election, and the new platform supports the Texas Attorney General’s continued investigation of “voter fraud” claims. 

The GOP’s new platform also requires teaching students that “life begins at fertilization” and requires students to learn about the “Humanity of the Preborn Child.” Moreover, Texas Republicans suggest students watch and listen to live ultrasounds, the growing stages of fetal development, the “Miracle of Life,” and more. 

Republicans also want to prohibit the teaching of “sex education, sexual health, or sexual choice or identity in any public school in any grade whatsoever.” The party also asks legislators to restrict reproductive healthcare services, including “counseling, referrals, and distribution of condoms and contraception through public schools.” 

Despite the spike in COVID-19 cases and Texas ranking 42nd in access to healthcare, the party also rejects any Medicare/Medicaid expansion. It demands repealing the Affordable Care Act, which the platform calls in the proposal “unconstitutional.”

Nevertheless, the Texas GOP platform also supports repealing the 16th amendment or the Federal Income Tax, which gives Congress the power to collect taxes from states. The GOP platform also supports abolishing the Federal Reserve and alternatives to cash including cryptocurrency. 

The platform also calls for Congress to change the Communications Decency Act and limit online platforms from censoring certain users, a policy initiative Republicans also pushed in the 2022 legislative session. 

But some of the most talked-about policies in the state’s new platform is the outright rejection of LGBTQ communities, even those who may align with them politically. 

According to the proposal, the Texas GOP declared homosexuality “an abnormal lifestyle choice,” opposes same-sex marriage,  and believes in repealing the Obergefell v. Hodges Supreme Court decision. 

The Log House Republicans of Houston released a statement in response to their party’s platform calling it “disappointing” and “infuriating.” 

“Through efforts of a vocal and organized minority, inflammatory, hurtful and unnecessary language was added to our party’s platform,” the organization wrote. “What is even more infuriating is the unwillingness of our party leaders, including Chairman Matt Rinaldi, to even look us in the eye and seek understanding of our values and principles.” 

Nevertheless, the platform corresponds with the party’s constant policy attacks against the LGBTQ community, including Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s call to investigate families of transgender children.

“We recognize that gender identity disorder is a genuine and extremely rare mental health condition and that denial of an immutable gender binary not only denies those with the condition proper mental healthcare but also leads to physically and psychologically abusive ‘social transitioning’ as well as irreversible physical mutilation,” Texas GOP delegates wrote.

The platform also wishes to repeal the 1965 Voting Rights Act, a monumental federal policy that granted minorities, more specifically Black people, the right to vote without the burden of literacy tests, poll taxes, and intimidation at voting centers.

Oher platform priorities include limiting how much a citizen can donate to their favorite politicians.

Throughout the document, Republicans emphasized the importance of “Western Civilization” and supported Biblical texts like the Bible, Ten Commandments and prayers mandated in public schools and state facilities. 

On another note, the party also reignited its obsession with seceding from the United States, urging Texas lawmakers to create a referendum for Texas voters in the 2023 general election.

The Texas Democratic Party Chair Gilberto Hinojosa released a statement on Monday in response to the opposing party’s platform: 

“Texas Republicans showed us that they live in a parallel universe full of conspiracy-fueled hate – and that they have a truly twisted view of our democracy and Constitution.”

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Kennedy is a recent graduate of the University of St.Thomas in Houston where she served as Editor-in-Chief of the Celt Independent. Kennedy brings her experience of writing about social justice issues to the Texas Signal where she serves as our Political Reporter. She does everything from covering crime beats, Texas politics, and community activism. Kennedy is a passionate reporter, avid reader, coffee enthusiast, and loves to travel.

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