It’s Mueller time
Robert Mueller testifies before Congress on Wednesday on his 400+ page report on Trump campaign’s relationship with Russia. Democrats are sure to focus on the interference of the Russians in the 2016 election and obstruction of justice by Trump. Republicans, meanwhile, will be challenging Mueller’s credibility. Although a leading Democrat said over the weekend he believes the president committed high crimes and misdemeanors, it might be wise to lower expectations for what’s going to come out of Wednesday’s High Drama.
The Big 4 for Senate
The major Democratic candidates now in the U.S. Senate race is up to four. Today Dallas’ Royce West gets in, following Houston’s Amanda Edwards entree last Friday. Both join Chris Bell and M.J. Hegar in the ring. Whoever wins the Democratic nomination takes on Trump’s sidekick, Sen. John Cornyn.
Speaking of John Cornyn…
As we noted a few months ago, socialism is the GOP’s branding du jour. Right on cue, the Cornyn campaign have linked West and Edwards with Massachusetts’ Elizabeth Warren. All are socialists, they’re saying. None of the major Democratic candidates running, of course, come close to socialism or Warren’s policies. (Warren has made it clear she’s a capitalist.) It won’t work. No one in Texas – in either the Democratic Party or the Republican Party – is pushing a socialist agenda. What shall we brand Cornyn? Chris Bell calls him Trump’s “water boy.” He is.
Missing the forest through the trees. It’s really easy for Democrats to get all caught up in the policy weeds. The 5-point policy papers coming out of Washington for our presidential candidates is at a fever pitch. But those don’t win elections. Eye on the prize: beat Trump. Fight over policy once a Democrat is in the White House. The same goes for beating John Cornyn.
Wendy Davis is running for Congress
Early Monday, Davis announced she’s running for a congressional seat representing a portion of Austin. She is challenging conservative fire-and-brimstone Republican Chip Roy. Davis, known for her filibuster against an abortion bill while wearing made in pink Mizuno running shoes, made her announcement in a biographical video.
A smokin’ irony
The governor and his indicted attorney general, who was found to break laws –the ironic part, are now wagging their Republican finger at those Texas counties that announced they weren’t going to prosecute small amounts of marijuana possession. It’s high time they realize what their own legislature did last session.