Information warfare: how progressives can level the media playing field in Texas

by | Apr 28, 2019 | Media, Politics

Following the 2018 midterms, the ground shook in Texas. Democrats performed the best they have in 40 years. It’s no longer a pipe dream to think progressives can win statewide in 2020 and 2022. Winning, however, won’t happen on its own and not without an infrastructure to support future candidates. That includes a media ecosystem to cover the news and amplify the progressive message.

The Problem

The Texas Republican Party – really, the far right-wing – dominates the sources of media and information in Texas through its digital news outlets – including Breitbart Texas, Empower Texans, and a new outfit called The Texan; conservative talk radio featuring negativity piped into and homegrown in Texas; ownership of local Texas TV news stations (Sinclair Broadcasting); massive TV advertising buys by conservative PACs; and a smart mainstream media strategy to garner coverage. The GOP gets its message out, wildly spins the news, and defines Democratic candidates and issues early and often.

There is no media machine on the progressive side. The information battlefield – the prize terrain in politics – is largely one-sided. When it comes to decibel level and reach, Texas conservatives are the lion’s roar, progressives the field mouse.

Progressives are also at a disadvantage in the mainstream media, which is like a magnet to the political power center. It should be, within reason, but that means the GOP leadership gets covered more, which includes President Trump, who is good for ratings. Little coverage, so far, has been on the Democrats’ legislative agenda, for instance, in Texas.

A Solution

The Texas Signal is a progressive megaphone, providing the counterweight to conservative media empire in the Lone Star State. Our goal is to level the playing field through fact-based, breakthrough content.

We educate progressives on the issues of the day, provide a place for dialogue, and challenge conservative ideas and candidates. We also deliver content to key demographics, like non-voters or low propensity voters, to inform and activate them during elections and policy fights.

The media is oxygen for Donald Trump and his sidekick, former talk radio host Lt. Dan Patrick. Bombast, drama, and manufactured conflict has taken both, not to mention plenty of other Tea Party Republicans in Texas, far.

The time has come to drown them out.

This article has been updated.

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