In a win for Texas workers, Republicans fail to roll back paid sick leave

by | May 23, 2019 | Texas Legislature

Multiple bills that would have undone sick leave ordinances in cities like Austin and San Antonio are dead in the water.

Republicans missed the deadline for the laws to be considered for a vote in the House, effectively killing the bills days before the end of the legislative session.

The scheduling blunder is undoubtedly a win for Texas workers, who are free to organize and push local governments into adopting laws that guarantee employees a minimum number of paid sick days.

In 2018, Austin and San Antonio become the first cities in Texas to pass such laws.

While the Texas Legislature’s effort to roll them back has failed, the ordinances are by no means safe.

In August, a state appeals court ruled Austin’s paid sick leave law as unconstitutional, temporary blocking the law thanks to a lawsuit brought on by a coalition of businesses.

Besides labor rights, lawmakers have also taken aim at abortion and voting rights. You can catch up on the latest of those efforts in our recap here.

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