Gina Ortiz Jones’ fundraising massively exceeds GOP opponents

by | Jul 9, 2020 | 2020 Elections, Politics

On Wednesday, Gina Ortiz Jones’ campaign announced that they had raised over $800,000 in the second quarter of the year. The former Air Force intelligence officer and Iraq War veteran has over $3 million cash on hand in her bid to flip Texas’ 23rd Congressional District, which stretches from San Antonio to El Paso.

For comparison, Republican candidates Tony Gonzales and Raul Reyes have less than half a million dollars cash on hand combined. The two are currently in a bitter runoff to determine who will face off against Jones in November. 

The Jones campaign is not waiting to see who will win the July 14 runoff before going on the attack. They recently slammed the two Republicans as terrible choices on healthcare, as both Gonzales and Reyes support repealing the Affordable Care Act. 

“Both are wholly committed to moving Texas backwards to an era when Texans could be denied care because of a pre-existing condition, women could be charged higher premiums than men, and Texans forced into a high-risk pool faced year-long wait times to sign up for care and premiums twice as high as others,” said Gina Ortiz Jones for Congress Communications Director Sharon Yang. “Regardless of which Republican survives next Tuesday, Texans in the 23rd District could not face a more stark choice in November when it comes to who will protect their health care.” 

Jones previously ran for Congress in the 2018 midterms against GOP incumbent Rep. Will Hurd, narrowly losing by less than 1,000 votes – just 0.4 percent of the vote. With Hurd retiring, Democrats are hopeful that Jones can finish the job in 2020.

Photo: Jay Godwin/ Wikimedia Commons

Washington Correspondent | + posts

William serves as the Washington Correspondent for the Texas Signal, where he primarily writes about Congress and other federal issues that affect Texas. A graduate of Colorado College, William has worked on Democratic campaigns in Texas, Colorado, and North Carolina. He is an internet meme expert.

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