Texas Legislature

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Texas Senate goes whole hog on LGBT discrimination, again

Here they go again. Certain Republicans in the Texas Senate are again distracting themselves with an issue even most Republicans don’t care about: ripping on the LGBT community. Taxes, the economy, education, and property tax reform are the issues the people of this...

GOP flirtation with a tax increase is rebuffed

This week, Texas Republicans were not successful in their attempt to raise taxes, a move that would have hit working class families hard. The proposed tax bill sought to raise the state’s sales tax in order to, as some Republicans said, provide relief for property...

UPDATED: Texas Democrats fight Republican tax increase

Update May 7: The GOP's bill to increase taxes is dead for the session. State Rep. Chris Turner, a leading Democrat in the legislature, said following the bill’s death, “Texans want real solutions to lower their property taxes and fund public education, not a...

Texas Republicans plot new ways to raise your taxes

Update 5/7: The GOP tax hike proposal is dead. “The world has gone mad today And good's bad today, And black's white today, And day's night today…” In the words of the great Cole Porter, anything goes.   With just a few weeks remaining in the 86th regular session of...

Don’t mess with Texans’ free speech

The right to boycott has always been a part of the American experience, from the American Revolution to the Civil Rights movement. Expressing economic or moral disapproval is as American as apple pie. It all comes down to free speech. So it wasn’t unusual that a...