Republican Party

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Why are Texas Republicans talking about secession?

Texas Republicans are flirting with the idea of secession again. The Texas Nationalist Movement (TNM) makes a periodic cameo in the press but this time they have a supporting cast of Republican officials.  GOP State Representative Kyle Biedermann says he is...

Where Things Stand for Ken Paxton

If you didn’t know any better, it would seem Ken Paxton’s life as Attorney General of Texas was churning along normally. A casual observer of the attorney general’s latest activities, which includes asking the U.S. Supreme Court to strike down the Affordable Care Act...

Ken Paxton’s Legal Woes Deepen

Over five years ago, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton was indicted by a grand jury for felony securities fraud. His case has kicked around in various courts in Texas and is now poised for a return to Collin County. But now, Paxton finds himself in an even grimmer...