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Musings: President Biden, Senator Manchin, come on down

Musings: President Biden, Senator Manchin, come on down

Few United States Senators have ever, or perhaps will ever, operate from a position of privilege quite like Bobby Kennedy had when he was elected to represent the state of New York in 1964. The son of one of the wealthiest families in American history, the youngest...

Musings: The pandemic isn’t over.

Musings: The pandemic isn’t over.

Just in case you’ve missed the news, I’d like to begin my column this week with a very specific warning: Across the United States, coronavirus cases are surging. In Texas, we’re feeling that problem more than most states, as we continue to badly lag in our vaccination...

Musings: This is a good time to run for governor

Musings: This is a good time to run for governor

With the developing news that legislative Democrats may be preparing to break quorum in an effort to stop the Jim Crow 2.0 voter suppression legislation that Republicans have long been coveting, Texas Democrats must also step up to the plate and answer a difficult...

Musings: Allen West’s Big Misadventure

Musings: Allen West’s Big Misadventure

There’s something about the American West generally and Texas specifically that has always attracted people looking for a place to start over. People who have washed out of every corner of American life have found their way to Texas. Some of them found life in the oil...

Musings: Here comes the July special

Musings: Here comes the July special

Since the conclusion of the regular legislative session, we’ve been hearing rumors and rumblings from capitol sources that Governor Greg Abbott was likely to call the first of at least two special sessions to begin sometime after the Fourth of July holiday, and Abbott...

Musings: Dropped

Musings: Dropped

I love a used bookstore. I think it stems from my childhood when my mother would take my brother and me to the one used book emporium in the small town I grew up in and we would explore the stacks and shelves of books on a quest for hidden treasures as exotic and...

Musings: Please, believe.

Musings: Please, believe.

My entire life, I’ve been prone to bouts of sentimentality and nostalgia, and while very little that happened during this legislative session was something I’ll remember fondly, seeing Beto O’Rourke back on the road, talking to Texans about the fight for voting rights...

Musings: Vast Conspiracies

If, like me, you’ve been in the unenviable position of reviewing footage of Briscoe Cain, the Republican state representative who chairs the House Elections Committee and author of one of the most far-reaching voter suppression bills since Jim Crow, you may have been...