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COVID-19 has shown us that my health depends on your health

Today is March 26th and the U.S. has officially surpassed all other countries to have more coronavirus cases than any other nation in the world.  We are now past the point where aggressive, targeted efforts at tracking and containing COVID-19 in Texas have a realistic...

Texas Democrats announce virtual state convention

Citing the ongoing pandemic and social distancing requirements, Texas Democrats are shifting their annual state convention to a virtual one. “COVID-19 has impacted every facet of our lives. To keep people safe, engage Texans everywhere, and adapt to the challenges we...

Lina Hidalgo issues stay-at-home orders for Harris County

On Tuesday, Houston and Harris County officials announced that a “Stay Home-Work Safe” order would go into effect at midnight and continue until April 3.  The order comes after 27 confirmed cases of coronavirus virus in Harris County and after local Med center leaders...