Texas faces almost $1 billion budget shortfall

Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar released the biennial revenue estimate on Monday, informing lawmakers the state is projected to have $112.5 billion in revenue for the 2022-23 budget.  That’s a 0.4 percent decrease from 2020-21 biennium, which Hegar is projecting...

Texas’ Rainy Day Fund gets bigger — and dustier

Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar recently announced that the state’s Economic Stabilization Fund, better known as the Rainy Day Fund, grew by $1.13 billion this year. The fund would have actually seen $1.6 billion transferred its way if not for the pandemic-driven...

Don’t trust Abbott’s budget cuts

Don’t trust Abbott’s budget cuts

A report by the Houston Chronicle on Thursday detailed the $1 billion in cuts Republicans are proposing to the state budget in response to the pandemic-driven recession. In a budget document obtained by the paper, $380 million cuts are slated for this fiscal year and...