2020 Elections

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Beto nudges Biden to visit Texas

Former Congressman Beto O’Rourke took to Twitter on Sunday to urge Joe Biden to visit Texas. “Texas could win this for Biden and end the nightmare on election night,” O’Rourke wrote. “Texans are doing their part. We’d sure like to see @JoeBiden visit us and spend more...

New poll: MJ Hegar down three points against Cornyn

A new poll released Friday by Public Policy Polling shows U.S. Senate candidate MJ Hegar in a tight race with incumbent Republican Sen. John Cornyn. The poll of 700 Texas voters conducted last week shows Cornyn leading by only three percentage points, 49-46.  Two...

AOC endorses Mike Siegel

On Wednesday, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her political action committee Courage for Change endorsed Mike Siegel, a congressional Democrat candidate running against Rep. Michael McCaul in Texas’ 10th congressional district. “Republicans in Congress continue to...

Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo endorses MJ Hegar

Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, the county’s top executive, is endorsing Democrat MJ Hegar for U.S. Senate.  “MJ Hegar is a decorated combat veteran who knows and understands the struggles and hardship that working families face in Texas,” Hidalgo said in a...