2020 Elections

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Weekly Polling Round-up

Weekly Polling Round-up

Now that Labor Day is in the rearview, things are heating up. Every week, the Signal will bring you a round-up of the latest polling in Texas politics. The Big News All eyes are on the top of the ticket, as the race remains largely static nationally, but tightening at...

Pro-Trump boat parade meets blue wave

Saturday, September 5th was the type of idyllic day that screams for a trip to the lake. For a group of Donald Trump supporters who had emblazoned their boats with MAGA flags as far as they eye can see, their jubilation this Labor Day weekend would quickly be dampened...

Trump botches hurricane response

For a few moments on Thursday I felt as if the velocity of disinformation from the Republican National Convention had dulled me into a concussive, pharmacological blur and then I remembered Donald Trump is somehow president and what I was seeing was not an aberration...

Democrats ramp up Republican targets in Texas

Democrats ramp up Republican targets in Texas

The campaign arm of House Democrats announced Wednesday they were adding three new Texas congressional districts to their list of offensive targets. The new districts include TX-03 in Plano, where Helane Seikaly is challenging Rep. Van Taylor; TX-06 in Arlington,...

The Joe Biden I Know

By peculiar happenstance and more than a bit of ambition, on the Saturday following my 26th birthday, I found myself elected mayor of my hometown. Kyle, Texas is a bustling community of nearly 50,000 people and an upstanding middle-class suburb of the tech-savvy and...