
Musings: The dangerous lie of “constitutional carry.”

A few years ago, I spent a year living in Portland, Oregon, and was surprised to learn, shortly after arriving in town, that I would need to pass a written exam before being approved for an Oregon driver’s license. Working on campaigns, I’ve lived all over the...

Musings: Texas Republicans are bad for business.

For decades, Texans Republicans have justified the cozy relationships they’ve enjoyed with big business by celebrating Texas as one of the best states in the nation to do business in. Republicans in the state legislature and on commissioner’s courts across the state...

Not so fast: Beto O’Rourke hasn’t ruled out 2022

Reports that broke earlier tonight that Beto O’Rourke wouldn’t run for Governor of Texas in 2022 were premature, according to sources close to O’Rourke and Beto himself. O’Rourke issued a statement shortly after the initial story broke that said “What I said today is...

Musings: Moral Failure

Last night in New York City, a 65-year-old woman was assaulted on her walk to church and told that she didn’t belong in a neighborhood she’s had a presence in for decades. A nearby security guard offered no assistance, and not only failed to render aid, but closed the...

Musings: My Top 4 Bracket Seeds

When we launched our bracket challenge last week, it set off some serious debate among our staff about who should make the round of 16 and which candidates deserved to be seeded in which positions. While some of our staffers included some bold and intriguing choices...

Musings: Greg Abbott, Big Liar

I never truly appreciated the art of a dog and pony show until I started working in Texas politics. Sure, I had orchestrated my share of “visibility events,” rallies, and press conferences across the years and states that I had worked in, but nothing really prepared...

Musings: Let’s Talk About Your Bracket

There’s nothing I love more than a good tournament. Basketball, football, softball, baseball, combat sports, cricket. You name it, and if they play it in a tournament format somewhere, I can probably get down with it. If only there were a way that would allow me to...

Musings: Truth, Justice, Texas

What will it take to get Texas Republicans to just tell the truth? It’s something I’ve wondered about with a frequency I would find unbearably depressing if I hadn’t already grown so jaded living in Greg Abbott’s Texas.  But, alas, we’re here, y’all. And it’s...

Musings: Greg Abbott Doesn’t Care if You Die

I usually try to be a little more clever with the titles to these columns, but yesterday’s news deserves to be called out for what it is. Less than 10 percent of Texans have received a Covid-19 vaccine, and less than half of that number has gotten both doses. With...