
The Curious Case of the Billionaire Mayor

With the first votes in the 2020 Democratic Primary mere months away, former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg has made his clearest signal yet that he’s prepared to jump into the race for the Democratic nomination, as he has started buying television ad time across...

Texas Republicans are getting worried

At a morning panel today at the Texas Tribune Festival, a group of veteran GOP operatives were tasked with making sense out of the blue wave that swept Texas in 2018, and what they need to do to avoid a repeat. Much of the discussion, moderated by the Tribune’s...

Cornyn’s digital ad spending is ramping up

While some in conservative circles have clung to the narrative that Texas is still a reliably Republican state, the same can’t be said of longtime Texas Senator John Cornyn. The former Attorney General and onetime judge in the Lone Star State has seen the seas of...