
Op-Ed: Save America

It is a tremendous privilege to be able to contribute my words and thoughts to Texas Signal and share them with our audience of dedicated and patriotic Texans. The staff and contributors to this publication do our best to be as insightful and entertaining as possible,...

Leave No Doubt

Roughly ten minutes into tonight’s debate I thought about Matt Tiabbi. Not because his coverage of several presidential campaigns has been both hilarious and insightful, though it has. Not because his books about politics are among some of my favorites, which they...

Joe Biden Can Win Texas. Here’s How.

As Joe Biden prepares to square off with President Donald Trump in the first of three presidential debates tonight in Cleveland, it’s hard to reflect on the path that brought Biden to this moment and not remember that the truly seminal moment for his campaign didn’t...

20 for ’20: Time to break the streak

Democrats haven’t won a statewide election in Texas since 1994. In 2020, led by MJ Hegar’s trailblazing US Senate campaign and with one of the deepest and most talented judicial slates in state history, Texas Democrats are looking to break the streak. While Joe...

What would Herman Cain think?

On Sunday, President Donald Trump hosted his first indoor rally in months, speaking before a bustling and largely maskless crowd in Henderson, Nevada. He did so in defiance of state and local orders against gatherings of more than 50 people, and may well leave the...