20 for ’20: All politics is local. Your action can be too

by | Sep 17, 2020 | 2020 Elections, Politics

For today’s installment of 20 for ‘20, we wanted to highlight organizations making a big impact in their specific regions. These organizations, which range from PACs to Democratic clubs, have built a robust infrastructure over the last two years and are poised to help flip seats all over the state.

What’s your club up to? We’d love to hear from you. We’re working on a larger story about Democratic clubs and organizations and would love to hear how you’re turning Texas blue. Email editor@texassignalarchive.com so we can get in touch.

Texas Organizing Project

If you’ve volunteered for campaigns or turned up at rallies in Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio, you’ve probably gotten to know the mighty presence of the Texas Organizing Project. Over the years, TOP has become one of the largest players in racial justice, economic justice and progressive politics in the state. Their organizers have made a massive impact in races up and down the ballot, from helping elect Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo to help drive up turnout in key races across the state in 2018.

Head to their website to learn more.

Blue Action Dems

The battle for Texas will be waged in the ‘burbs, and luckily Blue Action Dems have been hard at work building a model for neighborhood-based organizing to turn those suburbs blue. They’ve already had a big impact in Travis County, where their activists helped flip a key statehouse and city council seat in 2018, and were one of the first activist organizations to wade into the fight for suburban statehouse districts. 

They’re all about flipping the Texas house, and you can read more about them here.

Sisters United Alliance

What started as a program to engage women voters in the Houston area has spread statewide, and the Sisters United Alliance is deploying their unique program across Texas to empower women to play a big role in the 2020 elections. Their results in 2016 and 2018 were impressive, and they’re doing everything they can to make sure the “forgotten women,” of Texas make their voices heard in 2020.

Learn more about their program and show your support here.

They See Blue

Engaging the South Asian vote will be key to Democratic gains across Texas, and They See Blue is dedicated to empowering South Asian voters to help flip winnable seats across the country. They have a handful of Texas chapters that could use our help. Several Congressional and State House races could swing blue if the South Asian vote turns out in force.

Get connected here.

Somos Tejas 

This organization is dedicated to creating a new culture of civic engagement with the Latino community in Texas. Their focus on engagement and activism gives them a unique footing with current voters, and those that are voting for the first time. Latino turnout is going to be huge for November, and could make the difference in whether or not we recapture the state house. 

Learn more about Somos Tejas here 

Rideshare 2 Vote 

Founded after 2016, Rideshare 2 Vote provides free round-trip transportation to polling places for voters. They are working with a number of progressive candidates around the state. With COVID-19, all drivers are implementing additional safety measures. With so much anxiety about voting, this is breaking down one of the biggest barriers for potential voters. 

Check out the wheels for democracy here

Senior Advisor | + posts

Joe brings over a decade of experience as a political operative and creative strategist to Texas Signal, where he serves as our Senior Advisor and does everything from writing a regular column, Musings, to mentoring our staff and freelancers. Joe was campaign manager for Lina Hidalgo's historic 2018 victory for Harris County Judge and is a passionate sneakerhead.

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Lina Hidalgo Announces Mental Health Leave

This afternoon Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo announced she has been taking a leave of absence from her position to seek treatment for depression. The Houston Chronicle broke the news about Hidalgo, who has been at an inpatient facility since July. Throughout her...